Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Visit from my cousin

So, Sandy came and visited today, and suggested that Sherri and I should have a blog to share what is happening in our lives.
I guess there are some things happening...
So, since I'm studying for the bar exam, I'll make this short, (I promise I'll try to make this blog page and content more interesting once the bar is over).
Sherri goes in tomorrow to get some embryos put into her (three to be precise).
Then tomorrow night and for the forseeable future (about 12 weeks or so) I will be injecting her with some hormones.
I hate needles in other people. I have no problem sticking myself or getting myself stuck, but I don't like sharp things going into other people - and of course since it's on her backside I'll have to administer the shots.
That should do it for the first post.
Not sure how often this will be updated, except to say, that when we have kids (twins - no more, no less) I will update everyday with a picture since that seems to be the thing to do.

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