Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sarah Lillietta

We had our week 20 ultrasound today. Of course we are at week 19, but we pushed it a week ahead because we wanted to know boy or girl. Well, as I hope the name implies, IT'LL BE A GIRL! This was our first ultrasound at the new doctor, and they don't do video, so here are some pictures. Everything is healthy, and we can't wait to meet Sarah. At about week 24 we will get a "4-d" ultrasound and that will be recorded on DVD. Sounds good; the 4th dimension is time, so I'm hoping to learn all about Sarah's entire life when we have that done.
Profile view
Another profile Her little foot
Another profile view
Here's her face. I'm hoping the skin will help her look a bit more human. The ultrasound mainly picks up the bones.


Amy, David, Cambria, and Baylen said...

YAY Cambria will have her first girlfriend!!!!!

Jana said...

Yay! Congrats!