Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Old Photos

I was cleaning out the nursery closet yesterday and I had to deal with the elephant in the room, 8 boxes of photos. I wish I had time to scan them all in, but I did go through one photo album and scanned in 89 photos. Here's a few of them.
This is me at preschool. I don't think this was even the style back then. Me and my siblings in May of 1981.
My cousin Sandy - August 1981
Me and my cousin - June 22, 1982
Me and my mom - February 7, 1983


Amy, David, Cambria, and Baylen said...

What are you doing up at 6am? Oh your gonna do just fine with a baby! haha....Looking at your pic's makes me excited to see Who Sarah's gonna look like more =)

Anonymous said...

there's a place called www.thedigitalconvert.com that'll scan all your boxes of photos for pretty cheap. they give 2 copies plus upload it all to a family webpage for sharing. you should check them out. it's not worth wasting all your free time over.