Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Sherri and I went in for our week 14 exam today. No ultrasound, which was kind of disappointing. Amy told us yesterday that normally there are not many ultrasounds, but Sherri and I were used to the once a week thing. I was positive they would give us one today.
Our next ultrasound will be week 19.
Today, though we listened to the heartbeat; it beat at about 143. There is a wives' tale saying if the number is low, it is a boy, and higher it is a girl, but the wives' tale means numbers like 120, anywhere from 140-170 does not mean anything one way or another.
So, we'll wait 5 weeks until we can get another ultrasound, and hopefully the baby will be positioned so we can find out what color to paint the nursery.

1 comment:

Amy, David, Cambria, and Baylen said...

awww man, i gotta wait to o shopping now!! By the Hearbeat Im calling Boy, sorry Sherri...